My first mission: Overseas office establishment

Korea Plaza                                        My office in Japan

The first mission I was engaged in was to establish overseas office in Japan. As a single staff in Japan, first I proceeded tasks to physical office establishment. I communicated with the officer in the headquarter to learn their wants and needs about the new office, I had meetings with constructors and office suppliers. It was a unique experience to choose the office's phone number, decide the design of letter head and my own business cards.

With the completion of the new office, I started to prepare for the office opening reception party. 150 people were invited to the party. The participants were travel agents, wholesalers, carriers and land operators, intimate customers, goodwill envoys, consuls and the local government officers. The party was held in a huge banquet at a upscale hotel in the city, and I had a couple of meetings with the hotel people.

Along with the party, I conducted everything relating to the mission's visit to Japan such as press conference, hotel bookings, appointments to the local government, newspapers, and major travel agencies.

Although the staff at Korea Tourism Organization Japan Branch supported me, I don't remember how I handled all these task. Believe it or not, I was doing this as a part-timer because at that time I was taking some classes at university.
