Monthly Goal: February

This is a memo to self.

  1. Prioritize important over urgent (first things first)
  2. Spend quality time for myself
  3. Ask friends and go to happy hour
  4. Apply for OPT, plan for trip to Japan
  5. Organize book shelf and documents
I believe in the power of writing. Once you write down things, it starts affecting on you regardless of whether you remember it or not.

Likewise, I believe in the power of words. You will become who you are according to what words you choose.

Here is an episode. One time I was talking with my friend and I used the word "busy", and then I changed it to like "have a lot of things to do". Then the friend asked me why I rephrased it.

I did it because the word "busy" contains a bit of negative, and it can affect me and that friend. She might not invite me to some really fun event just because I use the word "busy". That would be a pity, right?
