Pat on your shoulder

Avator - connected with nature tree @ Living Room in Collage Area.

I have been taking a coaching session every other week; I have had my current life coach for almost a year now. I used to have a coaching session in Japan too, with a coach in the making. I will write about what coaching is sometime later, but anyway, I had a great phone session today, as always.

When I am not sure what I want to talk in the beginning of a session, I assess how I feel about each aspect of my life in the scale of 1-10. And the result was...

Health: 9
Environment: 8.5
Relationship: 8.5
Personal Development 8.5
Career Plan 8
Emotion: 9
Spiritual: 9
Confort Level in the US: 9
Financial: 8
Adventure: 8.5
Time Management: 7.5
Study: 8

Pretty high. My coach Corrie told me I should pat on my shoulder. What people (at least me) tend to forget is to acknowledge achievements and praise yourself. For sustainable development, it would be essential to appreciate your own challenges and efforts.

We talked about the categories with lower scale. This is amazing. I found out that I felt unconfortable with my online writing class, and I could just get through it. After talking with Corrie, I found an answer in me to address the situation: find the goals in the class and write to the teacher about my current situation and what I am hoping for.  Also, in terms of time management, I find the way for better scheduling.

Coaching is not counceling. You find the answer in you. You can have coaching when you are doing great. Coach is not a teacher, she asks you some questions to pull out your potentials to the most.

I am practicing a new thing: Gratitude Monday. Monday can be a groomy day with work and school. By listing up all the things you are grateful for, you can start a better week.

Once I was down, I made a gratitude list (this is introduced in the book the Secret) and it was so easy to fill a large paper with the items I am grateful for. I have the list on the wall to remember how I am blessed. People tend to take things for granted and complain what they don't have. By showing gratitude to what you have now, more things come into your life.

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